Microtia Articles Dr. Arturo Bonilla

Does Microtia Cause Hearing Loss?
Most patients with microtia also have atresia, so the main cause of the hearing loss is actually the lack of an ear canal (atresia), and not the microtia. In other words, there is...

Meet The Microtia Team
There are many members of the team that comprise specialties involved in the care of a microtia patient. Some of these members of the team include: pediatrician, newborn/neonatologist,...

Cartilage vs Medpor - Confusion?
This question comes up all of the time! Is one technique better than the other? Why is it preferable to undergo two to three surgeries using natural cartilage instead of one or two with ...

Laser Use in Microtia Surgery
Dr. Bonilla exclusively uses the gold contact laser during the rib cartilage harvesting. The advantage of using a gold-contact laser during microtia surgery include less thermal...

Understanding "Hearing" in Microtia
Hearing loss is one of the most common worries of patients and families afflicted with microtia & atresia. While most people think the microtia patient may be deaf because of the lack of an ear canal,...

Is Microtia Surgery Covered by Health Insurance?
The short answer is YES! Microtia surgery is not cosmetic surgery. It is very common for an insurance company to assume that an ear deformity ...